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Gaussian Process Regression tools (gpr)

This module was developed by Elias Dalan in spring 2022.


Kernel class

covariance_function: The function that will be used to calculate the covariance between our datasets

K(self, X1, X2)

Function that returns the covariance matrix given our datasets

X1: Dataset 1 (Often the training set)

X2: Dataset 2 (Often the target set)

self.covariance_function(X1, X2) : covariance matrix given our datasets X1 and X2.

Source code in btjenesten/
def K(self, X1, X2):
    Function that returns the covariance matrix given our datasets

    X1: Dataset 1 (Often the training set)

    X2: Dataset 2 (Often the target set)

    self.covariance_function(X1, X2) : covariance matrix given our datasets X1 and X2.
    if np.isscalar(X1):
        X1 = np.array([X1])
    if np.isscalar(X2):
        X2 = np.array([X2])

    return self.covariance_function(X1, X2)


Gaussian process regressor class

kernel: Specifies the type of covarince function we want for our regressor. If none is provided the default is the radial basis function

training_data_X: Training data inputs, also called features

training_data_Y: Training data outputs, also called labels

aquisition(self, minimize_prediction=True, x0=None, l=1.2, delta=0.1)

Returns the point at which our model function is predicted to have the highest value.

minimize_prediction: If your task is to minimize some model function, this parameter is True. If your task is to maximize the model function this parameter is False.

l: Exploration parameter. Scales how much the standard deviation should impact the function value. l = 1 means that the function maximized/minimized equals predicted value +/- the standard deviation.

x0: Initial guess. If not specified it will use the point at which the training data is the largest/smallest.

delta: Hyperparameter that tunes UCB around measured datapoints.

p - The predicted point at which an evaluation would yeild the highest/lowest value

Source code in btjenesten/
def aquisition(self, minimize_prediction=True, x0 = None, l=1.2, delta=0.1):
    Returns the point at which our model function is predicted to have the highest value.

    If your task is to minimize some model function, this parameter is True. If your task is to maximize the model function
    this parameter is False.

    Exploration parameter. Scales how much the standard deviation should impact the function value. l = 1
    means that the function maximized/minimized equals predicted value +/- the standard deviation.

    Initial guess. If not specified it will use the point at which the training data is the largest/smallest.

    Hyperparameter that tunes UCB around measured datapoints.

    p - The predicted point at which an evaluation would yeild the highest/lowest value
    if minimize_prediction: #Minimization process
        if x0 == None:
            x0_index = np.where(self.training_data_Y == np.min(self.training_data_Y))

            x0 = self.training_data_X[x0_index]
            x0 = x0 + np.random.rand(len(x0)) * 0

        objective_function = lambda x, predict = self.predict : predict(x)
        std_x = lambda x, predict = self.predict : np.sqrt(np.abs(np.diag(predict(x, return_covariance = True)[1])))
        objective_noise = lambda x, std = std_x : (1 - std(x))**2 * delta + std(x)

        UCB = lambda x, exploit = objective_function, explore = objective_noise: exploit(x) + l*explore(x) 

        minimization = minimize(UCB, x0)
        p = minimization.x
        return p

    else: #Maximization process
        if x0 == None:
            x0_index = np.where(self.training_data_Y == np.max(self.training_data_Y))

            x0 = self.training_data_X[x0_index]
            x0 = x0 + + np.random.rand(len(x0)) * 0

        objective_function = lambda x, predict = self.predict : predict(x)
        std_x = lambda x, predict = self.predict : np.sqrt(np.abs(np.diag(predict(x, return_covariance = True)[1])))
        objective_noise = lambda x, std = std_x : (1 - std(x))**2 * delta + std(x)

        UCB = lambda x, exploit = objective_function, explore = objective_noise : -1*(exploit(x) + l*explore(x))

        minimization = minimize(UCB, x0)
        p = minimization.x
        return p

predict(self, input_data_X, training_data_X=None, training_data_Y=None, return_variance=False)

Predicts output values for some input data given a set of training data

input_data_X: Input features that the gpr will evaluate.

training_data_X: training data inputs.

training_data_Y: training data outputs.

return_variance: Returns variance for each prediction if this is true

predicted_y: Predicted output data given cooresponding input_data_X and a set of training data inputs and outputs (training_data_X, training_data_Y)

predicted_covariance_matrix: Predicted variance for each point of predicted output.

Source code in btjenesten/
def predict(self, input_data_X, training_data_X = None, training_data_Y = None, return_variance = False):
    Predicts output values for some input data given a set of training data 

    Input features that the gpr will evaluate.

    training data inputs.

    training data outputs.

    Returns variance for each prediction if this is true

    Predicted output data given cooresponding input_data_X and a set of training data
    inputs and outputs (training_data_X, training_data_Y)

    Predicted variance for each point of predicted output.

    #msg = "Input array likely contains single sample. Reshape your data using array.reshape(1, -1) if that is the case." 
    #assert input_data_X.ndim != 1 and len(input_data_X) != , msg

    if training_data_X == None or training_data_Y == None:
        K_11 = self.kernel.K(self.training_data_X, self.training_data_X)
        K_12 = self.kernel.K(self.training_data_X, input_data_X)
        K_21 = K_12.T
        K_22 = self.kernel.K(input_data_X, input_data_X)
        assert (np.linalg.det(K_11) != 0), "Singular matrix. Training data might have duplicates."
        KT = np.linalg.solve(K_11, K_12).T

        predicted_y =

        K_11 = self.kernel.K(training_data_X, training_data_X)
        K_12 = self.kernel.K(training_data_X, input_data_X)
        K_21 = self.kernel.K(input_data_X, training_data_X)
        K_22 = self.kernel.K(input_data_X, input_data_X)

        assert (np.linalg.det(K_11) != 0), "Singular matrix. Training data might have duplicates."
        KT = np.linalg.solve(K_11, K_12).T

        predicted_y =

    predicted_y = predicted_y.ravel()

    if return_variance:
        predicted_variance = np.diag(K_22 - KT @ K_12)

        y_var_negative = predicted_variance < 0
        if np.any(y_var_negative):
            print("Some variance values were negative. Setting them to zero.")
            predicted_variance[y_var_negative] = 0

        return predicted_y, predicted_variance
        return predicted_y

score(self, input_data_X, input_data_Y)

Returns the average and maximum error of our predict method.

input_data_X: input data that the gpr will predict corresponding output data to.

input_data_Y: Corresponding true ouput data for input_data_X.

avg_error - the average error between the predicted values and the true values max_error - the maximum error between the predicted values and the true values

Source code in btjenesten/
def score(self, input_data_X, input_data_Y):
    Returns the average and maximum error of our predict method.

    input data that the gpr will predict corresponding output data to.

    Corresponding true ouput data for input_data_X.

    avg_error - the average error between the predicted values and the true values
    max_error - the maximum error between the predicted values and the true values

    predicted_y = self.predict(input_data_X)
    avg_error = np.mean(np.abs(predicted_y - input_data_Y))
    max_error = np.max(np.abs(predicted_y - input_data_Y))
    return avg_error

update(self, new_X, new_Y, tol=1e-06)

Updates the training data in accordance to some newly measured data.

new_X: Set of new features that have been measured.

new_Y: Corresponding set of labels to new_X.

tol: Tolerance which the training data set can differ from new points. If this is too low you may encounter singular covariance matrices.

Source code in btjenesten/
def update(self, new_X, new_Y, tol=1e-6):
    Updates the training data in accordance to some newly measured data.

    Set of new features that have been measured.

    Corresponding set of labels to new_X.

    Tolerance which the training data set can differ from new points. If this is too low you may encounter singular 
    covariance matrices.
    for measurement in new_X:
        for i in range(len(self.training_data_X)):
            if (np.abs(measurement - self.training_data_X[i]) < tol).all():
                print(f"The model has most likely converged! {measurement} already exists in the training set.")

    old_X_shape = self.training_data_X.shape
    old_Y_shape = len(self.training_data_Y)

    new_X_shape = np.array(self.training_data_X.shape)
    new_Y_shape = np.array(self.training_data_Y.shape)

    new_X_shape[0] += new_X.shape[0]
    new_Y_shape += len(new_Y)

    new_training_data_X = np.zeros(new_X_shape)
    new_training_data_Y = np.zeros(new_Y_shape)

    new_training_data_X[:-new_X.shape[0]] = self.training_data_X
    new_training_data_X[-new_X.shape[0]:] = new_X 

    new_training_data_Y[:-len(new_Y)] = self.training_data_Y
    new_training_data_Y[-len(new_Y):] = new_Y

    indexes = np.argsort(new_training_data_X)

    self.training_data_X = new_training_data_X[indexes]
    self.training_data_Y = new_training_data_Y[indexes]

Constant(X1, X2, k=0.5)

Kernel that returns a constant covariance value between \(x_i\) and \(x_j\) Useful if all values depend on eachother equally.

X1: Dataset 1

X2: Dataset 2

k: constant that determines the covariance.

A matrix with the same shape as our input data. All matrix elements have the value k.

Source code in btjenesten/
def Constant(X1, X2, k = 0.5):
    Kernel that returns a constant covariance value between $x_i$ and $x_j$
    Useful if all values depend on eachother equally.

    X1: Dataset 1

    X2: Dataset 2

    k: constant that determines the covariance.

    A matrix with the same shape as our input data. All matrix elements have the value k.

    return np.ones(X1.shape)*k

Funny_trigonometric(X1, X2, k=1)

Kernel that I made only for fun. May work for extravagant datasets

X1: Dataset 1

X2: Dataset 2

k: constant that determines the frequency of the trigonometric functions.

A covariance matrix that might be a bit crazy.

Source code in btjenesten/
def Funny_trigonometric(X1, X2, k = 1):
    Kernel that I made only for fun. May work for extravagant datasets

    X1: Dataset 1

    X2: Dataset 2

    k: constant that determines the frequency of the trigonometric functions.

    A covariance matrix that might be a bit crazy.

    return np.sin(-k*(x[:, None] - y[None,:])**2) - np.cos(-k*(x[:, None] - y[None,:])**2)

RBF(X1, X2, l=1)

Radial basis function of the form: $$ e^{-l * d(X_i,X_j)} $$

X1: Dataset 1

X2: Dataset 2

l: Length scale parameter. Can be adjusted to adjust the covariance between \(x_i\) and \(x_j\). Increasing l will decrease the covariance, and vice verca.

A matrix with the same shape as our input data, where the elemets are: \(e^{-l*d(x_i, x_j)}\) where \(d(x_i, x_j)\) is the difference between element \(x_i\) in X1 and element \(x_j\) in X2.

Source code in btjenesten/
def RBF(X1, X2, l = 1):
    Radial basis function of the form:
    e^{-l * d(X_i,X_j)}

    X1: Dataset 1

    X2: Dataset 2

    l: Length scale parameter. 
    Can be adjusted to adjust the covariance between $x_i$ and $x_j$. 
    Increasing l will decrease the covariance, and vice verca.

    A matrix with the same shape as our input data, where the elemets are:
    $e^{-l*d(x_i, x_j)}$ where $d(x_i, x_j)$ is the difference between element $x_i$ in X1
    and element $x_j$ in X2.
    d = np.sum((X1.reshape(X1.shape[0],-1)[:, None] - X2.reshape(X2.shape[0],-1)[None,])**2, axis = 2)
    return np.exp(-l*d)