Representation of the virtual space in extended systems – a correlation energy convergence study

Representation of the virtual space in extended systems – a correlation energy convergence study

Representation of the virtual space in extended systems – a correlation energy convergence study

We present an investigation of the convergence behaviour of the local second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) correlation energy toward the canonical result for three insulating crystals with either projected atomic orbitals (PAOs) or various orthonormal representations of the virtual orbital space. Echoing recent results for finite molecular systems, we find that significantly fewer PAOs than localised orthonormal virtual orbitals are required to reproduce the canonical correlation energy. We find no clear-cut correlation between conventional measures of orbital locality and the ability of the representation to span the excitation space of local domains. We show that the PAOs of the reference unit cell span parts of the excitation space that can only be reached with distant local orthonormal virtual orbitals.

Example Content III

Example Content III

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Example Content III

Example Content III

A page showing Hydejack-specific markdown content.

Hydejack offers a few additional features to markup your markdown. Don’t worry, these are merely CSS classes added with kramdown’s {:...} syntax, so that your content remains compatible with other Jekyll themes.

Divide–Expand–Consolidate Second-Order Møller–Plesset Theory with Periodic Boundary Conditions

Divide–Expand–Consolidate Second-Order Møller–Plesset Theory with Periodic Boundary Conditions

We present a generalization of the divide–expand–consolidate (DEC) framework for local coupled-cluster calculations to periodic systems and test it at the second-order Møller–Plesset (MP2) level of theory. For simple model systems with periodicity in one, two, and three dimensions, comparisons with extrapolated molecular calculations and the local MP2 implementation in the Cryscor program show that the correlation energy errors of the extended DEC (X-DEC) algorithm can be controlled through a single parameter, the fragment optimization threshold. Two computational bottlenecks are identified: the size of the virtual orbital spaces and the number of pair fragments required to achieve a given accuracy of the correlation energy. For the latter, we propose an affordable algorithm based on cubic splines interpolation of a limited number of pair-fragment interaction energies to determine a pair cutoff distance in accordance with the specified fragment optimization threshold.

Example Content II

Example Content II

A page showing how regular markdown content is styled in Hydejack.

There should be whitespace between paragraphs. We recommend including a README, or a file with information about your project.



A Python module for learning quantum theory

There should be whitespace between paragraphs. We recommend including a README, or a file with information about your project.

Misinterpreting Popper

Misinterpreting Popper

Does modern science philosophy misintetrpret Karl Popper?

I wrote this essay as part of a course on science, ethics and society (MNSES9100). Perhaps it could be useful for a larger audience.
