Space for creative learning in chemistry

Space for creative learning in chemistry

How can we make more room for creativity in science education?

I’m strongly in favour of student-creativity in higher science education, and actively try to integrate it in my own teaching. In this guest entry on Steven’s blog I and Wanja Paulsen share some ideas on how modelling and simulation, augmented with ouur learning assistant program, may open new possibilities in our teaching.



Smooth potential-energy surfaces in fragmentation-based local correlation methods for periodic systems

Local approximations facilitate the application of post-Hartree–Fock methods in the condensed phase, but simultaneously introduce errors leading to discontinuous potential-energy surfaces. In this work, we explore how these discontinuities arise in periodic systems, their implications, and possible ways of controlling them. In addition, we present a fully periodic Divide-Expand-Consolidate second-order Møller–Plesset approach using an attenuated resolution-of-the-identity approximation for the electron repulsion integrals and a convenient class to handle translation-symmetric tensors in block-Toeplitz format.
